How does the Recommendation Process actually work?

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Hi everyone. It’s Doctor Chou here.  Today I’m going to talk with you about how the recommendation process for medical marijuana works here in Louisiana.

Louisiana has developed a one of a kind system that is unique amongst the states that have legalized medical marijuana.  It has the potential to be one of the best programs in the entire country.



  • Pharmacists are required to dispense the medical marijuana.
  • Physicians are much more involved with followup and dosing.
  • Recommendations are written for 30 days at a time.
  • The growers and dispensaries are carefully vetted.
  • No identification card for program participants
  • Cannot inhale marijuana or possess raw marijuana

These differences, compared with other states, are instrumental in ensuring patient safety and decreasing diversion risk.


Recommendation Process

So the recommendation process is truly straight forward and easy to navigate.  In fact, there are only two steps in the recommendation process.

  1. You go to a special doctor who holds a Therapeutic Marijuana Registration for a consultation similar to what you would do with your regular medical doctor for your current medical conditions.
  2. You then go to a special Medical Marijuana Dispensary and pickup your medication similar to how you would get your normal prescriptions from your regular pharmacy

So I hope that this article gives you a little insight on the recommendation process for medical marijuana here in Louisiana.


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Doctor Victor Chou, M.D.

Medical Marijuana Clinic of Louisiana