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1)  Review Clinic Policies

If you are interested in becoming a new patient at our clinic, please perform the following steps to Request a Consultation.

The fee is $200 for a New Patient Consultation and $100 for each Followup Visit every 3 months.  We do not accept any forms of insurance.

We collect a $50 Non-Refundable Deposit when you schedule your New Patient Consultation and the remaining $150 consultation fee at the time of your consultation. We accept credit cards, debit cards, Venmo, and Zelle.  

We perform all consultations VIRTUALLY using an application called ZOOM.  Please ensure that you are able to download, access, and utilize the ZOOM application before scheduling the consultation.

Our clinic provides the medical marijuana recommendation only.  You will purchase the medical marijuana, which comes in forms including flower, topicals, tinctures, edibles, and inhalables, separately from one of the state licensed dispensaries.

Full details about our clinic and the Louisiana Medical Marijuana program are available here:


2)  Verify Debilitating Medical Condition

Please note that you MUST be a Louisiana resident and you MUST have a Debilitating Medical Condition.  We work with patients of ALL ages.

In general, a Debilitating Medical Condition is a CURRENT and CHRONIC condition whose symptoms cause SIGNIFICANT problems with everyday functioning despite conventional medical treatment.

During your 30 minute consultation, we will discuss your symptoms and review your medical records to determine if your condition qualifies as a Debilitating Medical Condition.  We will also determine if there are any significant issues that would preclude treatment with medical marijuana.

Just because you have a Debilitating Medical Condition does not guarantee that you will receive a medical marijuana recommendation or that medical marijuana will benefit you.  There is no refund if a recommendation is not provided or if the treatment does not work as intended.

Patients who have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses or end stage diseases, are unable to work or attend school due to their medical condition, are receiving hospice or palliative care, or receive assistance with daily tasks through home health or facility care, will likely also have an underlying Debilitating Medical Condition.


3)  Complete Request a Consultation Form

To request a New Patient Consultation, please submit the Request a Consultation Form AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.

We MUST receive a completed Request a Consultation Form in order to schedule you for a consultation.


4)  Submit Proof of Debilitating Medical Condition

You or your doctor will need to submit RECENT DOCUMENTATION of a Debilitating Medical Condition.  We WILL NOT be able to provide a medical marijuana recommendation if you cannot provide RECENT DOCUMENTATION of a Debilitating Medical Condition.

If you have this information on hand, you may self submit it to us.  However, the documentation cannot be patient generated and must come from official sources, like paperwork from a health care provider or downloads from an online patient portal.

The information that is submitted MUST INCLUDE AT MINIMUM a summary of the debilitating medical condition including current symptoms and treatment history.

Please note that laboratory reports, radiologic images, insurance statements, billing invoices, medication bottles, or out of date medical records will generally NOT be sufficient to establish a debilitating medical condition unless accompanied by other corroborating documentation.

The information can be:

  • faxed to 618-509-9175
  • mailed to PO Box 86931.  Baton Rouge, LA 70879
  • emailed to [email protected]


5)  Schedule Virtual Consultation

Once we have received your medical documentation, we will review them and if we are able to provide a consultation, we will contact you to pay the Non-Refundable Deposit and schedule your New Patient Consultation with Dr. Chou.  We accept credit cards, debit cards, Venmo, and Zelle.  

We perform all consultations VIRTUALLY using an application called ZOOM.  Please ensure that you are able to download, access, and utilize the ZOOM application before scheduling the consultation.

Please be aware that once your consultation is scheduled, if it is cancelled, rescheduled, or missed for any reason you would forfeit your Non-Refundable Deposit.

We will also send you an Information Packet that needs to be reviewed and signed before your consultation.


6)  Perform New Patient Consultation

We look forward to meeting with you and performing your New Patient Consultation VIRTUALLY using ZOOM.

If you meet all qualifications, a recommendation will be submitted to the dispensary immediately after your consultation and you can start your treatment right away.

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Doctor Victor Chou, M.D.

Medical Marijuana Clinic of Louisiana
